harbored / ˈhɑr bər /


harbored3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship and so situated with respect to coastal features, whether natural or artificial, as to provide protection from winds, waves, and currents.
  2. such a body of water having docks or port facilities.
  3. any place of shelter or refuge: The old inn was a harbor for tired travelers.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to give shelter to; offer refuge to:They harbored the refugees who streamed across the borders.
  2. to conceal; hide: to harbor fugitives.
  3. to keep or hold in the mind; maintain; entertain: to harbor suspicion.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to take shelter in a harbor.

harbored 近义词

v. 动词 verb

hide, protect

v. 动词 verb

hold in imagination


  1. While marketers anticipate the forthcoming retirement of cookies, many harbors hope that the ad tech industry will deliver an alternative between now and Google’s scheduled doomsday.
  2. With safe harbors cut off, more and more people are left suffering what the United Nations calls “a shadow pandemic” of domestic abuse within the larger pandemic of the virus itself.
  3. Look, there is a violent political movement that has found safe harbor in the Republican Party.
  4. Extra pay is also afforded to officers working in specialized units like the K-9-unit, SWAT team, the harbor unit or emergency negotiators, the contract says.
  5. The advent of camera-enabled mobile phones means any number of YouTube videos showing people marveling at suddenly dry rivers or harbors.
  6. As a child I harbored the hope that, if I could write a book I might become part of the magic I found in books.
  7. They told her they had heard she harbored gay men and runaway girls.
  8. Many of us did not even know the cyber realm harbored such depravities.
  9. Even before he was a teenager, Williams harbored dreams of being an actor.
  10. If Bonnaroovians harbored ill will for the star, it did not show.
  11. And being ashamed, he saw and understood that he still harbored a little bitterness against Myra.
  12. If he had harbored any doubts as to his success, he banished them.
  13. The rooms which he had there are shown and reverenced as places which have harbored genius.
  14. Even Anthony Waynes spirit, when harbored in such a tiny body could hardly brave that.
  15. Mrs. Deans long-harbored sense of injury against Lucy Warner took sudden flight.