flack / flæk /


flack3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to serve as a press agent or publicist: to flack for a new rock group.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to promote; publicize: to flack a new record.

flack 近义词


等同于 grievance


等同于 imbroglio


  1. “Rosario” is all about turning the flack from haters into fuel.
  2. “Anthem” got a lot of flack for flagrantly going after the “Destiny” playerbase.
  3. About 45 minutes past our interview time, the studio flack summons me.
  4. A festival flack asked me to move, so that an Italian gentleman in a tuxedo could take my seat.
  5. The bearded volunteer, wearing an over-sized black flack jacket, said rebel resistance had stiffened.
  6. Two years later, she got flack for another Castro ad that featured Gadot twerking in a pair of jeans.
  7. Both 24 and Homeland caught significant flack from critics for stereotyping Muslims and Middle Easterners.
  8. Fortunately for her the milk in the revolving churn at that moment changed its squashing for a decided flick-flack.
  9. When you and the others were at the old Flack mansion Samuels mentioned a subject that lies close to my heart.
  10. When it grew dark the flick-flack of lightening played across the sky and it showed the men's faces white and drawn.
  11. Flack smiled, went out and returned with his license to sell liquor, and his commission as a magistrate of New York State.
  12. She was out in conditions in which even Judson Flack, had he met her, could hardly have detected her.