felicity / fɪˈlɪs ɪ ti /


felicity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fe·lic·i·ties.

  1. the state of being happy, especially in a high degree; bliss: marital felicity.
  2. an instance of this.
  3. a source of happiness.
  4. a skillful faculty: felicity of expression.
  5. an instance or display of this: the many felicities of the poem.
  6. Archaic. good fortune.

felicity 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun


felicity 的近义词 4


  1. Felicity Huffman [who starred on the show] texted me, “That street looks very familiar ...” She tweeted me.
  2. Alias would make a star out of former Felicity guest star Garner and become an international hit.
  3. Cherry admitted he told at least two of her costars, Eva Longoria and Felicity Huffman, two months earlier.
  4. After Felicity wrapped in 2002, many of his costars graduated to bigger projects.
  5. He is a creator of television shows including Felicity, Alias, and Lost.
  6. “Now this is what I call real felicity,” observed the major, pulling out a pipe which he proceeded to fill.
  7. The charm of style, the delicacy of touch, and felicity of phrase, are in both cases preeminent.
  8. I conceive that the strictest union of affection is requisite to conjugal felicity.
  9. Marriage, which ought to be a source of all felicity, is often to a man a heavy burden which crushes him through want of fortune.
  10. On the sweet face of this brave mother, once so severely tried, the expression of profound felicity was depicted.