cheerfulness / ˈtʃɪər fəl /


cheerfulness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. full of cheer; in good spirits: a cheerful person.
  2. promoting or inducing cheer; pleasant; bright: cheerful surroundings.
  3. characterized by or expressive of good spirits or cheerfulness: cheerful songs.
  4. hearty or ungrudging: cheerful giving.

cheerfulness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. She was known for her positivity, cheerfulness, and sweet demeanor.
  2. Unsavoury as it is below, there is cheerfulness, and comfort, and hard, honest work above.
  3. Women,” Gore says, “have been socialized really differently with happiness and cheerfulness and our place in the world.
  4. Women," Gore says, "have been socialized really differently with happiness and cheerfulness and our place in the world.
  5. Oppose Sotomayor, if you will, on her legal opinions, not on her credentials or cheerfulness.
  6. His cheerfulness was unbounded, and it was matched by his goodness of heart, his broad charity, and common sense.
  7. For many days he was in a state of phrensy, and was never again restored to cheerfulness.
  8. This brief conflict ended, she resumed her wonted composure and cheerfulness.
  9. One could never meet him in the street, and look into his pleasant face, without catching something of his cheerfulness.
  10. And here and there things that could ill be spared, brought in and offered with resolute cheerfulness.