dupery / ˈdu pə ri, ˈdyu- /


dupery 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural dup·er·ies for 1.

  1. an act, practice, or instance of duping.
  2. the state of one who is duped.

dupery 近义词


等同于 trickery


等同于 deception


等同于 fraud


  1. But the fact that they were not due to any external dupery didn't make them a bit pleasanter to see.
  2. Fleetwood's wrath with his position warned him against the dupery of any such alcove thoughts.
  3. The whole displays a complete system of dupery, and the agents were graduated.
  4. He attributed the dupery to a trick of imposing the idea of her virtue upon men.
  5. His Eminence the Cardinal Savelli was angry enough at the dupery which had been practised on him.