frankness / ˈfræŋk nɪs /


frankness 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. plainness of speech; candor; openness.

frankness 近义词

n. 名词 noun


frankness 的近义词 4
frankness 的反义词 5


  1. But that frankness also reveals a frenetic, debilitating obsession with physical intimacy.
  2. One character speaks of a storyteller's "complete frankness, which he was obviously quite unable to abandon."
  3. But its frankness with race, violence and sex has made it a controversial choice in school curricula.
  4. A self-described sociopath, Roberts recounts his many misdeeds with unnerving frankness.
  5. Not everyone can confront their family's failings with such frankness.
  6. Here was a return for his frankness—his straightforward conduct—his unequalled liberality.
  7. Her eyes were very bright, no shadows in their depths; she returned his gaze with untroubled frankness.
  8. All the urbanity of Frenchmen, joined with the delightful frankness of the profession, assured us we were welcome.
  9. I am sure youre a sight, she commented, with sisterly frankness; all doubled up and your forehead screwed into knots.
  10. She congratulated me with apparent frankness, and asked for Miss Treherne's address, saying she would write to her.