craftiness / ˈkræf ti, ˈkrɑf- /


craftiness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

craft·i·er, craft·i·est.

  1. skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly.
  2. Obsolete. skillful; ingenious; dexterous.

craftiness 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. Some crafty dude fresh out of high school withstood the quiet wilds of Grand Slam qualifying and reached the 1977 Wimbledon men’s singles draw, then ventured all the way to the semifinals in an unprecedented whoa.
  2. Furthermore, the thinking goes, you, with your unrivaled craftiness, will counter-seduce the reporter to your worldview.
  3. It was not Mother Carron who spoke: our crafty hostess was far too burdened just then under the collapse of all her craftiness.
  4. This is taking the wise in their own craftiness, I reckon: and richly you deserve to lose all your ill-got hoard.
  5. It is without shame that I confess myself unequal to a Jesuit in craftiness.'
  6. "All right," he sighed, and went out obediently, but paused to stare at her with a curious craftiness.
  7. All that you invest wisely in men is stored up against any violence or craftiness of thieves and any corroding of rust.