drat / dræt /


drat2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

drat·ted, drat·ting.

  1. to damn; confound: Drat your interference.
interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. : Drat, there goes another button off my shirt.

drat 近义词


等同于 darn


等同于 damn


  1. To their intense surprise, the usually placid Younkins turned savagely upon the dog, and saying, “Drat that fool dog!”
  2. I've scarce a marvedy in hand, now; so let him have a writ in his, drat him.
  3. "Drat the little dickey-birds," interrupted Mr. Kybird, with sudden violence.
  4. I got what everybody gets who deals with that old rascal—the bad end of the trade, drat him!
  5. Ah, don't go breakin' your angel's 'eart along of Arthur, my precious—and drat him too!