disorientation [ dĭs-ôr′ē-ĕn-tāshən ]


disorientation 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    disorientation 近义词


    等同于 bewilderment

    disorientation 的近义词 6
    disorientation 的反义词 1

    等同于 confusion


    1. During the height of the crisis, Westergaard described the disorientation and dislocation of living under guard.
    2. They stand for a more profound, existential disorientation that any human can feel.
    3. By now we were in a state of maximum disorientation, just trying to stay on the grinder with the others.
    4. Evident in Twilight Visions is the disorientation between the changing physical city and its effect on cultural habits.
    5. We jumped again, the sickness of disorientation forcing a moan from the girl, and darkness shivered round us.
    6. The disorientation continues with Bell's suggestion to travel south or west.
    7. The feeling of disorientation and foreignness was new to Perry.
    8. You are suffering from distorted perception—illusions and hallucinations, disorientation.
    9. Drugged with fatigue, the younger man slept, awaking to full day, a fog of bewilderment and disorientation.