chain / tʃeɪn /


chain3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high tensile strength, as for hauling, supporting, or confining, or in various ornamental and decorative forms.
  2. Often chains. something that binds or restrains; bond: the chain of timidity; the chains of loyalty.
  3. chains, shackles or fetters: to place a prisoner in chains.bondage; servitude: to live one's life in chains.Nautical. the area outboard at the foot of the shrouds of a mast: the customary position of the leadsman in taking soundings.tire chain.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to fasten or secure with a chain: to chain a dog to a post.
  2. to confine or restrain: His work chained him to his desk.
  3. Surveying. to measure with a chain or tape.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to form or make a chain.

chain 近义词

n. 名词 noun

succession, series

n. 名词 noun

connected metal links; jewelry made of such links

v. 动词 verb

manacle in metal


  • chain reaction
  • chain smoker
  • ball and chain
  • pull someone's chain


  1. Police did not immediately identify the security guard or say whether he worked for a private company contracted by the restaurant chain.
  2. Disruptions to one link of that supply chain, say steel manufacturing in Turkey, ripple throughout.
  3. It’s really bringing automation that replaces the factory fixed tooling, supply chains, hundreds of thousands of parts, manual labor and slow iteration speed, with something that I believe is needed for the future on Earth, too.
  4. They also saw that even though new C2C retail models, like social commerce, are gaining popularity, the beauty industry’s supply chain hasn’t kept up.
  5. Other chains might have edgier marketing or more innovative menus.
  6. You expect soldiers of all ranks to understand the need to respect the chain of command, regardless of personal feelings.
  7. Say what you want about Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F), the chain has done something special.
  8. After the scanning takes place, KSM is led down a long corridor flanked by chain-link fences.
  9. Elderly women played Triple Double Diamond and Tiki Magic while they chain-smoked.
  10. So while mourning the closing of De Robertis, consider that we might someday mourn the bankruptcy of whatever chain replaces it.
  11. She stood, in her young purity, at one end of the chain of years, and Mrs. Chepstow—did she really stand at the other?
  12. Then he closed the spring with a snap, and she let him pass the chain over her hand once more.
  13. From the ceiling, which was divided into compartments painted in dark red and blue, hung a heavy lamp by a chain of gilded silver.
  14. An amount of slack in the chain caused the balls to knock on passing this roller before entering the pump bottom.
  15. The large size of the rag-wheel gave the rapidly revolving chain and balls a great speed.