concatenation / kɒnˌkæt nˈeɪ ʃən /


concatenation 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of concatenating.
  2. the state of being concatenated; connection, as in a chain.
  3. a series of interconnected or interdependent things or events.

concatenation 近义词

n. 名词 noun

connection, sequence

concatenation 的近义词 11
concatenation 的反义词 1


  1. So I think it’s a concatenation of factors, but there’s not much question what the outcome is.
  2. From there, the concatenation of escalation led to Israel's preemptive attack.
  3. If the world had come to an end in consequence of such a concatenation, I think she would hardly have been surprised.
  4. There was a concatenation accordingly, every link in which had helped to make Ambrose Meyrick's position hopeless.
  5. I have studied to develop the first causes, the better to show the concatenation of effects.
  6. A strange concatenation of events had also placed the rest of the royal family in an uneasy position.
  7. But we miss a necessary link; there is a break in the otherwise close concatenation of his speculations.