causation 的定义
causation 近义词
等同于 origin
causation 的近义词 42 个
- ancestor
- ancestry
- connection
- element
- influence
- motive
- provenance
- root
- source
- agent
- antecedent
- author
- base
- causality
- creator
- derivation
- determinant
- egg
- embryo
- fountain
- generator
- germ
- impulse
- inception
- inducement
- inspiration
- mainspring
- nucleus
- occasion
- parent
- parentage
- principle
- producer
- progenitor
- provenience
- roots
- seed
- spring
- stock
- well
- wellspring
- horse's mouth
causation 的反义词 15 个
等同于 making
等同于 cause
causation 的近义词 38 个
- element
- explanation
- matter
- motivation
- motive
- origin
- principle
- purpose
- root
- source
- account
- agency
- aim
- antecedent
- author
- basis
- beginning
- consideration
- creator
- determinant
- doer
- end
- foundation
- genesis
- ground
- grounds
- incitement
- inducement
- instigation
- leaven
- mainspring
- maker
- object
- occasion
- producer
- spring
- stimulation
- prime mover
causation 的反义词 14 个
等同于 provenience
causation 的近义词 46 个
- agent
- ancestor
- ancestry
- antecedent
- author
- base
- beginning
- causality
- connection
- creator
- derivation
- determinant
- egg
- element
- embryo
- fount
- fountain
- fountainhead
- generator
- germ
- impulse
- inception
- inducement
- influence
- inspiration
- mainspring
- mother
- motive
- nucleus
- occasion
- parent
- parentage
- principle
- producer
- progenitor
- provenance
- root
- roots
- rootstock
- seed
- source
- spring
- stock
- well
- wellspring
- horse's mouth
causation 的反义词 8 个
等同于 rootstock
causation 的近义词 46 个
- agent
- ancestor
- ancestry
- antecedent
- author
- base
- beginning
- causality
- connection
- creator
- derivation
- determinant
- egg
- element
- embryo
- fount
- fountain
- fountainhead
- generator
- germ
- impulse
- inception
- inducement
- influence
- inspiration
- mainspring
- mother
- motive
- nucleus
- occasion
- parent
- parentage
- principle
- producer
- progenitor
- provenance
- provenience
- root
- roots
- seed
- source
- spring
- stock
- well
- wellspring
- horse's mouth
causation 的反义词 8 个
- It’s not necessarily causation, but it’s hard to believe that it isn’t.
- Brown says that religiosity is the variable that offers the strongest explanation, but cautions that correlation does not mean causation.
- This problem comes about because neural networks can ingest so much data and encode relationships along so many dimensions, they can always find patterns—but they can’t easily figure out causation.
- “The key for me is to show evidence of what a facility failed to do once it was on notice about the lethality of the virus and to establish a chain of causation after notice was established,” said Greenwood, who is now a consultant.
- What we have far less of are the kind of studies that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, prove causation.
- “The plaintiffs have to prove the causation aspect,” Shapiro told The Daily Beast.
- However, association does not mean causation, and this is very important for the woman to understand.
- The aforementioned surveys may not be sufficient to make any firm conclusions about correlation, and much less about causation.
- The new study sees a correlation—and suggests a causation—between sexting and sex, but the conclusions researchers draw are vague.
- For one thing, the Redskins Rule reveals correlation, not causation.
- It is in this way that most of those uniformities of succession are generated, which are not cases of causation.
- That the effect may be frustrated, is, therefore, no objection to the universality of laws of causation.
- It deserves remark, that these early generalizations did not, like scientific inductions, presuppose causation.
- The theist, in short, commences with a wrong conception of causation.
- This is not the place in which to enter on an exhaustive inquiry as to the nature of causation.