baccalaureate / ˌbæk əˈlɔr i ɪt, -ˈlɒr- /


baccalaureate 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. bachelor's degree.
  2. a religious service held at an educational institution, usually on the Sunday before commencement day.
  3. baccalaureate sermon.

baccalaureate 近义词


等同于 bachelor's degree

baccalaureate 的近义词 4

等同于 undergraduate degree

baccalaureate 的近义词 2

等同于 degree


等同于 graduate


  1. AB 927 authorizes Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to establish permanent district baccalaureate degree programs.
  2. It would be easy to mistake the International Baccalaureate School at Bartow High School for a typical suburban high school.
  3. The president preached the Baccalaureate sermon from Gen. 5:24.
  4. To this was added, that he was seeking the degree following the Baccalaureate, that of Master of Arts.
  5. I got my baccalaureate from French Government in 1941—first part.
  6. A dozen had taken the Baccalaureate, and were proudly repeating the pirouettes and spread-eagles of that degree.
  7. The Baccalaureate sermon, delivered by Professor Francis, was very appropriate and touching.