quality / ˈkwɒl ɪ ti /


quality2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural qual·i·ties.

  1. an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute: the chemical qualities of alcohol.
  2. character or nature, as belonging to or distinguishing a thing: the quality of a sound.
  3. character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence: food of poor quality; silks of fine quality.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or having superior quality: quality paper.
  2. producing or providing products or services of high quality or merit: a quality publisher.
  3. of or occupying high social status: a quality family.
  4. marked by a concentrated expenditure of involvement, concern, or commitment: Counselors are urging that working parents try to spend more quality time with their children.

quality 近义词

n. 名词 noun

characteristic, feature

n. 名词 noun

value, status


  1. Like the California fires, which cast an orange hue over the San Francisco Bay Area, the Arctic fires have had a sci-fi quality.
  2. Receiving follow-up questions, Google’s John Mueller then reiterated that point, and Ben Gomes, Google’s VP of search engineering confirmed that quality raters don’t influence any page’s rankings directly.
  3. Ideally, your website looks good and loads quickly, but those qualities alone don’t make a website great.
  4. Jackson said he still gets quarterly reports on the aquifer’s water quality.
  5. CTV retargeting allows you to leverage your first-party data and target site visitors with high-quality ads streamed across television.
  6. It could dramatically improve quality of life in communities throughout the developing world.
  7. When he does, here is a gentleness in his voice, a reflective and lovely quality that no movie he has been in has ever captured.
  8. The economy has begun to add jobs, but the quality of those jobs is an increasing concern.
  9. Apple customers, on the other hand, are used to paying premium for perceived quality.
  10. But self-doubt, while a healthy quality for human beings to have, is alas not a plus for politicians.
  11. Without the former quality, knowledge of the past is uninstructive; without the latter, it is deceptive.
  12. The quality of artistic beauty in articulation is very important, beyond the mere accuracy which is ordinarily thought of.
  13. Strive to speak or sing fluently without breaking the quality of tone used.
  14. The object of this practise is to attain facility in manipulating the elements while maintaining the smooth quality of the tone.
  15. There are two forms of elasticity, one of quantity and the other of quality, both provided for in the act.