adytum / ˈæd ɪ təm /


adytum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ad·y·ta [ad-i-tuh]. /ˈæd ɪ tə/.

  1. a sacred place that the public was forbidden to enter; an inner shrine.
  2. the most sacred or reserved part of any place of worship.

adytum 近义词


等同于 retreat


  1. Adytum, ad′i-tum, n. the most sacred part of a heathen temple: the chancel of a church:—pl.
  2. The adytum itself consists of three apartments, entirely of granite.
  3. Behind the adytum are small rooms for the priests who served in the temple.
  4. All the old temples had an adytum, sanctuary, or holy of holies—a place not open to the profane, but protected by rigid taboos.
  5. Author's hospitable reception there, and admission to the adytum, 119.