woodlot / (ˈwʊdˌlɒt) /


woodlot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a tract, especially on a farm, set aside for trees.

woodlot 近义词


等同于 timber


等同于 forest


  1. One desiring that might better pitch his tent in the back woodlot of a farm than in any such popular resort.
  2. Edgar's woodlot was set on fire by sparks from the locomotive and John forced payment, and liberal payment, for the damage.
  3. We are very proud in Ontario of the work that has been done on general reforestation and woodlot management.
  4. Walnut has been observed coming up in a woodlot, and the only possible source is a shade tree half a mile away.
  5. There is little attempt being made by woodlot owners to propagate this tree.