copse / kɒps /


copse 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a thicket of small trees or bushes; a small wood.

copse 近义词

n. 名词 noun


copse 的近义词 5


  1. Christopher Lloyd, who created a repository of outsized characters, strides across the stage under a copse of soaring spruce.
  2. Back down along the Orontes, very early the day before, my friend dropped me off on a dirt track by a copse of trees.
  3. I suspect the Anglo-Saxon bearo, a grove or copse, is the word here preserved.
  4. The piece of common was soon passed; and then a copse-wood, filled with brakes and briars, had to be passed through.
  5. On their arrival they found that the herd were feeding at a considerable distance from the copse, which was perhaps as well.
  6. In a moment more he perceived his own dog, Smoker, come bounding out of a neighbouring copse, followed by Humphrey and Pablo.
  7. Not far off, alongside a birch copse, ran a road planted with willows: the country seemed familiar to me.