womanhood / ˈwʊm ənˌhʊd /


womanhood 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the state of being a woman; womanly character or qualities.
  2. women collectively: American womanhood.

womanhood 近义词


等同于 majority


等同于 manhood/womanhood


等同于 maturity


等同于 sex


等同于 age of consent

womanhood 的近义词 4

等同于 femininity

womanhood 的近义词 4

等同于 distaff side

womanhood 的近义词 3

等同于 distaff

womanhood 的近义词 3

等同于 muliebrity


等同于 femininity/feminine


  1. In the S2 finale, Dorothy got her first period, marking her transition into womanhood, and The Candlemaker's powers began to manifest in the real world.
  2. It’s also ironic that we tend to see step-throughs as somehow less serious than bikes with high top tubes, inasmuch as these were the very bikes that upended Victorian conventions of womanhood in the late 19th century.
  3. The tradition, called a sunrise ceremony, is a rite of passage for a teenage girl in which she goes through a series of rituals to recognize her transition to womanhood.
  4. This 1997 Anita Diamant novel fleshes out the minor Biblical character Dinah — the daughter of Jacob and Leah and the sister of Joseph, he of the coat of many colors — to tell a compelling story about ancient womanhood.
  5. The novel is a near perfect portrayal of the emotions of a young girl on the cusp of womanhood.
  6. When the young woman is ready to emerge from her weeks in hiding, she attends a ceremony marking her ascent into true womanhood.
  7. Yet over the course of this season, Sansa has become a pillar of strong womanhood.
  8. Those were the valuable aspects of womanhood at the time: being pretty and even-tempered and sweet.
  9. Many of the poems are diagrams and puzzles that seek to look at love, womanhood, motherhood, and the longing for God in new ways.
  10. This last, which is the work of one now grown into womanhood and no longer a story-teller, is interesting in many ways.
  11. Each essays to think, appear and speak as nearly according to the orthodox standard of Womanhood as possible.
  12. She was like no other woman, he said—a woman with all the possible beauty and glory of womanhood stored in her heart.
  13. He had seen Mildred creep from babyhood into childhood, and bud from girlhood to womanhood.
  14. There comes a time in the life of every girl when she must change from childhood to womanhood; she can not always remain a child.