masculinity [ măs′kyə-lĭnĭ-tē ]


masculinity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    masculinity 近义词

    n. 名词 noun


    masculinity 的近义词 2
    masculinity 的反义词 1


    1. A more rugged version of American masculinity is hard to find on screen.
    2. What does masculinity look like in a world where men and women alike can be titans?
    3. However the American sexual ideal is intimately related to a certain idea of masculinity.
    4. We are looking the same, acting the same, and mimicking masculinity the same.
    5. In other words, another treatise on masculinity from Pizzolatto.
    6. Breezy freshness, strong masculinity, and almost reckless abandon in the literary texture and dramatic inventions.
    7. In spite of her aggressive masculinity, she is somehow made in her way really attractive.
    8. She stared without speaking at his square face, fierce with determination—at his roused, dominating masculinity.
    9. Whistling merrily he strode on into the dim cool bar, with its heavy brown fixtures and solid atmosphere of masculinity.
    10. She preferred masculinity sublimated, so to speak—purified by the processes of art.