mellowness / ˈmɛl oʊ /


mellowness4 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

mel·low·er, mel·low·est.

  1. soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
  2. well-matured, as wines.
  3. soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to make or become mellow.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Slang. a state, atmosphere, or mood of ease and gentle relaxation.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. mellow out, Slang. to become detached from worry, strife, stress, etc.; relax: After final exams let's go down to the beach and mellow make more relaxed, agreeable, workable, etc.; soften or smooth: Chopin really mellows me out when I'm feeling tense.

mellowness 近义词


等同于 maturity


  1. It seems to need the slanting rays of the evening sun to give it the right mellowness and tenderness, or the right perspective.
  2. Of course, you want to be nice and mellow with the trade, but always remember that mellowness carried too far becomes rottenness.
  3. The day was as mild as autumn, the winter sun like honey in its mellowness; a soft haze blurred the outline of the upper bridge.
  4. At the first words of the young lawyer, uttered in a voice of winning mellowness, the public forgot the facts in the case.
  5. His presence is indicated rather by a mellowness overspreading and enriching the picture, than by any brightness or glare.