
vs 的定义

abbr. 缩写 abbreviation
  1. verse.
  2. versus.

vs 近义词


等同于 corner


等同于 angle


等同于 versus

vs 的近义词 2

等同于 against


  1. It was Orlando vs. Justin in an Ibiza melee with two highly unlikely opposing parties.
  2. According to Adoflsson, the tradition is nothing more than good vs. evil, set in a quaint Swedish town.
  3. “The investigation started with ‘Adam vs. Arabs,’ that he wanted to blow up everything that was important to them,” said Wolf.
  4. Is it True that “Gays vs. Traditionalists are a Zero-Sum Game”?
  5. Maria Borges, an African model in her second VS show, said everyone back home in Angola would be watching her.
  6. Vertue workes strangely with vs: and his goodnesseRising aboue his fortune, seemes to mePrincelike, to will, not aske a courtesie.
  7. We neuer tooke any of them our selves, but sometime eate of such as the inhabitants had taken & brought vnto vs.
  8. A thing specially obserued by vs as also by the naturall inhabitants themselues.
  9. It is even sought to reconcile the antinomy of freedom vs. God's foreknowledge.
  10. Once a woman took these same vs. hellers on condition that she would not beg any more in the neighbourhood.