unrevealing / rɪˈvil /


unrevealing2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret.
  2. to lay open to view; display; exhibit.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of revealing; revelation; disclosure.
  2. Architecture. the part of the jamb of a window or door opening between the outer wall surface and the window or door frame.the whole jamb of an opening between the outer and inner surfaces of a wall.
  3. the framework or edge of an automobile window.

unrevealing 近义词


等同于 noncommittal


  1. It submerged at once, and went due south at twelve knots an hour below the unrevealing seas.
  2. The straight, hard lines of her lean figure were a complement to her gleaming, unrevealing eyes.
  3. There are darker stories, too, of deeds whose secret was known only to the hidden tunnel and unrevealing waters below.
  4. Baffled for the moment, he was silent, watching her unrevealing face.
  5. The face of the American Indian is said to be unrevealing—to be a stoic mask under which his emotions are ever hidden.