unpromising / ʌnˈprɒm ə sɪŋ /


unpromising 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. unlikely to be favorable or successful, as the weather, a situation, or a career.

unpromising 近义词


等同于 inauspicious


等同于 ominous


等同于 unfavorable


等同于 unfit


等同于 bleak


等同于 unadvantageous


等同于 dim


等同于 ill


  1. Given the apparently unpromising situation on the ground, why should Obama get involved?
  2. Experienced defense lawyers, however, well understand that the insanity defense is a very difficult and unpromising choice.
  3. In truth, the results of the Ames Straw Poll are decidedly unpromising for the Rust Belt on Election Day, a mere 15 months away.
  4. It seemed an unpromising subject, but they fell upon it with ardour, and found it strangely fruitful.
  5. The dogs came slowly to meet Mackenzie as he approached, backs still bristling, countenances unpromising.
  6. They, too, used colors and applied great art principles to this unpromising mode of expression and accomplished great results.
  7. On the death of the grandson of the old Lord Byron in 1794, this unpromising youth became the heir-apparent to the barony.
  8. There was a dangerous glint in his grey-green eyes, and his opening sentence was unpromising.