unconscionably / ʌnˈkɒn ʃə nə bəl /


unconscionably 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not guided by conscience; unscrupulous.
  2. not in accordance with what is just or reasonable: unconscionable behavior.
  3. excessive; extortionate: an unconscionable profit.

unconscionably 近义词


等同于 too


等同于 unscrupulously


  1. Promoting assaults on children or on anyone without consent is unconscionable.
  2. “The governor continues to impose draconian and unconscionable prohibitions on the daily life of all Californians that even the governor disregards at his own whim,” the brief said.
  3. “To shut down the government in the midst of a pandemic and recession would be unconscionable,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
  4. It is unconscionable that such protections are still not in place today.
  5. “This is unconscionable,” he told Schuchat and more than a dozen others around the conference table, his voice so anguished it alarmed some who were there.
  6. An unconscionably long time when you have a delicious sole à la Regence getting cold on your hands.
  7. However delicate a definition is framed for 'profiteering,' these packers have preyed upon the people unconscionably.
  8. The afternoon promised to be unconscionably long in reaching four o'clock, and Forbes set out for another saunter down the Avenue.
  9. If it had not been for the lurking hope of some fresh exciting experience with a woman, he would have been unconscionably lonely.
  10. "I fear I have paid you an unconscionably long visit," I said.