perfidiously / pərˈfɪd i əs /


perfidiously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.

perfidiously 近义词


等同于 treacherously


等同于 unscrupulously


等同于 falsely


  1. How dreadful, then, is it for sinners to speak to God perfidiously!
  2. Among these captives was young Gustavus Vasa, who, thus perfidiously taken, was cruelly confined.
  3. For it was long believed that Delauney had admitted the people into the first court, and then had perfidiously shot them down.
  4. The Baron could, by a single word perfidiously repeated, injure him very much with Alba's mother.
  5. On the testimony of his own letters it is clear he did not mind how tortuously and perfidiously he worked.