unscrupulously / ʌnˈskru pyə ləs /


unscrupulously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not scrupulous; unrestrained by scruples; conscienceless; unprincipled.

unscrupulously 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. In countries that do not prohibit payment for human organs, there is anecdotal evidence of unscrupulous brokers and health care providers who profit from the desperation of wealthy recipients at the expense of impoverished and vulnerable donors.
  2. Doing so was incredibly easy, thanks to an industry of unscrupulous services that have popped up over the past decade selling fake emotional service animal certifications or apparel to anyone who wanted to buy them.
  3. China is a step closer to cracking down on unscrupulous data collection by app developers.
  4. Other scientists have since dismissed this dating, but unscrupulous documentarians and curious amateurs still highlight the research as a hint that Meg might persist.
  5. It’s not to say that all VPNs are unscrupulous or invading your privacy.
  6. He was also several years older than most of the members, which allowed him to manipulate his younger followers unscrupulously.
  7. He comprehended the only way whereby Christendom could be governed, and unscrupulously used the means of success.
  8. A powerful picture of that phase of modern life in which unscrupulously acquired capital is the chief agent.
  9. Whether the rival used his power unscrupulously or not I never knew, but there was a quarrel one day, out riding.
  10. I had formed an idea of the man from reading speeches of his which appeared of an unscrupulously partisan character.
  11. The secretary's first blow showed how unscrupulously the struggle was to be waged.