tepee / (ˈtiːpiː) /


tepee 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cone-shaped tent of animal skins used by certain North American Indians

tepee 近义词


等同于 tent


等同于 camp


等同于 wigwam

tepee 的近义词 6

等同于 hut

tepee 的近义词 6


  1. Out West, in a tepee, on a reservation, alcohol, drug abuse, drain on society, poverty, uneducated—beaten down.
  2. He told him when he, Coyote, was within the tepee, to attack it.
  3. He lied to me about the gun; he has come into the council tepee of the Chis-chis-chash and lied to all the chiefs.
  4. Sacred Otter took a seat, but the owner of the tepee never looked his way, smoking on in stolid silence.
  5. Sacred Otter spent the long, cold nights in making a model of the Snow-tepee and painting it as he had been directed in his dream.
  6. So he made a small tepee, or tent, out of the buffalo's hide, and both crawled inside.