temperance / ˈtɛm pər əns, ˈtɛm prəns /


temperance 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. moderation or self-restraint in action, statement, etc.; self-control.
  2. habitual moderation in the indulgence of a natural appetite or passion, especially in the use of alcoholic liquors.
  3. total abstinence from alcoholic liquors.

temperance 近义词

n. 名词 noun

self-restraint; abstinence


  1. More importantly, Longworth viewed wine as a critical piece of the temperance movement.
  2. Such temperance may disappoint Catholics anxious for more sweeping changes in Rome.
  3. Resistance to “The Star-Spangled Banner” also flared among blacks, pacifists, and advocates of temperance.
  4. Employ temperance in all things, avoiding overindulgence in celebration or self-deprivation.
  5. Dear Mother, by thy heart then so cruelly martyred, obtain for me the virtue of temperance and the gift of counsel.
  6. Accordingly, temperance was said farewell to, quinine instituted, and I believe my pains are soon to be over.
  7. The temperance, moreover, which it compels in those who cannot eat sea provisions, is very conducive to health.
  8. Some one spoke of certain evangelists who were conducting a temperance campaign among the workers in the steel-mills.
  9. He was a strictly temperance dog, and would allow no one on the premises who was what is called worse for liquor.