tatting / ˈtæt ɪŋ /


tatting 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or process of making a kind of knotted lace of cotton or linen thread with a shuttle.
  2. such lace.

tatting 近义词


等同于 lace


等同于 needlework


等同于 embroidery


等同于 intertwine/interweave


等同于 knot


  1. An opportunity given of looking on while one was embroidering, crocheting, or making tatting, and the process was her own.
  2. Not one of the tatting-and-tea kind, but an impressive, bustling old girl, with a double chin.
  3. We submit that a well-trained Preacheress should spend the summer vacation sitting on the hotel piazza busy with her "tatting."
  4. She was exceedingly industrious, and managed to get through quite a lot of tatting during her captivity.
  5. The "tatting" craze was sweeping over the country then, everybody wore tatting and almost everybody made it.