quilting / ˈkwɪl tɪŋ /


quilting 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of a person who quilts.
  2. material for making quilts.
  3. a heavily padded wrapping, as for fragile cargo.

quilting 近义词


等同于 embroidery


等同于 line


等同于 embroider


等同于 needlework


等同于 lining


等同于 stuffing

quilting 的近义词 5


  1. The quilting maintains an even distribution of the beads, so there’s no pooling.
  2. After six months of daily use, it shows no wear, the quilting is as warm as the first day I put it on, and the water-repellent finish continues to keep me dry even when snow turns to rain.
  3. His wife reportedly told members of her quilting club that she, too, was carrying a pistol.
  4. Cox has been quilting for 20 years and her latest book is The Quilter's Catalog: A Comprehensive Resource Guide.
  5. Both the young girls were dressed in their best; for they were going to a quilting-party, where they expected to meet many beaux.
  6. "Mr. Gordonmammon thinks a deal of the Widow Lawton," said the hostess of the quilting-party.
  7. Being asked out to tea and inviting in return, sewing bees, quilting parties when some girl was making an outfit.
  8. It's like a regular old-fashioned quilting party to see them build a nest.
  9. The women met in sewing and quilting bees and apple-parings; the men came for the evening meal and remained for the country dance.