supplying / səˈplaɪ /


supplying3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

sup·plied, sup·ply·ing.

  1. to furnish or provide with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity.
  2. to furnish or provide: to supply electricity to a community.
  3. to make up, compensate for, or satisfy: The TVA supplied the need for cheap electricity.
  4. to fill or occupy as a substitute, as a vacancy, a pulpit, etc.: During the summer local clergymen will supply the pulpit.
v. 无主动词 verb

sup·plied, sup·ply·ing.

  1. to fill the place of another, especially the pulpit of a church, temporarily or as a substitute: Who will supply until the new minister arrives?
n. 名词 noun

plural sup·plies.

  1. the act of supplying, furnishing, providing, satisfying, etc.: to begin the supply of household help.
  2. something that is supplied: The storm cut off our water supply.
  3. a quantity of something on hand or available, as for use; a stock or store: Did you see our new supply of shirts?

supplying 近义词

v. 动词 verb

furnish, provide, give a resource


  1. According to the report, the factory’s website said it supplied GoerTek, which makes Apple’s AirPods.
  2. Rather than continuing to try to use the free LabGuns, the company kept buying TaqPaths, which Puritz said had not been in short supply.
  3. Lee has modeled dispensing strategies for vaccines and medical supplies for Zika, Ebola, and influenza, and is now working on Covid-19.
  4. About 6% of natural gas supplies, and 2% of coal, is used to create hydrogen, according to the International Energy Agency.
  5. That would draw the eye of water providers like Metropolitan looking for more supply to Imperial Valley.
  6. This means supplying proteins and fats because our bodies tend to need to eat less frequently when we consume them.
  7. But that role expanded as Ravi began supplying George with spiritual books to read as well.
  8. On October 26 they were assigned to attack a power plant supplying the North Vietnamese capital, Hanoi.
  9. Russia is almost overtly supplying the separatists with military support.
  10. He profited a great deal from knowing how to keep the reporters on his side, supplying the newspapermen with great material.
  11. A system of supplying school-children with penny dinners is the latest philanthropic movement.
  12. Our nicely worked out system for supplying the troops has in a moment been tangled up into a hundred knotty problems.
  13. Where the soil is deficient in lime, it must necessarily act by supplying that substance to the plants growing in it.
  14. Bank opened in Philadelphia for supplying the army with provisions, and 189,000 subscribed, payable in gold and silver.
  15. The bridge is worked by hydraulic power, an accumulator with a load of 34 tons supplying pressure water at 630 lb per sq. in.