subtile 的定义
sub·til·er, sub·til·est.
subtile 近义词
等同于 rare
subtile 的近义词 37 个
- extraordinary
- limited
- occasional
- scarce
- singular
- strange
- subtle
- uncommon
- unique
- unlikely
- unthinkable
- unusual
- attenuate
- attenuated
- deficient
- few
- few and far between
- flimsy
- inconceivable
- isolated
- light
- out of the ordinary
- rarefied
- recherché
- scanty
- scattered
- seldom
- semioccasional
- short
- sparse
- sporadic
- tenuous
- thin
- unfrequent
- unheard of
- unimaginable
- unwonted
subtile 的反义词 14 个
等同于 thin
等同于 standout
subtile 的近义词 43 个
- attenuate
- attenuated
- deficient
- exceptional
- extraordinary
- few
- few and far between
- flimsy
- inconceivable
- isolated
- light
- limited
- magnificent
- occasional
- out of the ordinary
- outstanding
- preeminent
- rarefied
- recherché
- remarkable
- scanty
- scarce
- scattered
- seldom
- semioccasional
- short
- singular
- sparse
- sporadic
- strange
- subtle
- tenuous
- thin
- towering
- uncommon
- unfrequent
- unheard of
- unimaginable
- unique
- unlikely
- unthinkable
- unusual
- unwonted
- If not, might not the machinations of a brain so subtile affect the peace and happiness of Alice Bridgenorth?
- These, and other more subtile questions--like the nature of angels--began to agitate the convent in the ninth century.
- The most subtile body is as a world, in which millions of parts unite and are arranged in the most perfect order.
- The little lamp was still burning, but the fresh fragrance of dawn had replaced the subtile odor of the oriental essence.
- You are associated by many subtile, indescribable ties with some of my most precious and most silent thoughts.