sporadic / spəˈræd ɪk /


sporadic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.
  2. appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease.
  3. isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.
  4. occurring singly or widely apart in locality: the sporadic growth of plants.

sporadic 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

on and off


  1. Also, heat consistency can be a bit sporadic depending on the temperature outside.
  2. Orders are sporadic — sometimes four or five come in one night, sometimes just one per week.
  3. Dating during the pandemic has been pretty sporadic for him, too.
  4. Looking up Spector’s bylined stories over the decades that mention Fauci, one finds that the pattern of their contact appears more sporadic than this book and its marketing material suggest.
  5. There have only been sporadic instances of outdoor transmission.
  6. This is where the sporadic and hectic handling of the romance in the movies fails.
  7. The chanting—so much a part of protests here for the past 100-plus days—was sporadic through Monday night.
  8. I left Lebanon in June 2012, but we kept in sporadic touch via Facebook.
  9. Sporadic riots and fires did break out later during the festival.
  10. Since then there have been a few sporadic accounts of what happened.
  11. Then a silence ensued, broken at first by sporadic and staccato remarks, then becoming as dense as the silences of the night.
  12. Then sporadic rumours began to creep about, and the atmosphere became charged.
  13. In the Third Culture Epoch there was found “copper, with sporadic appearance of low percentage of tin.”
  14. Three times the old blood-feud had broken into sporadic outbursts, and three men had been shot.
  15. The other two are genuinely new creations, if we except certain sporadic beginnings that occur in the transitional culture.