see-through / ˈsiˌθru /


see-through2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also see-thru [see-throo]. /ˈsiˌθru/. transparent: a see-through blouse.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a degree of or variation in transparency.
  2. a see-through item of clothing.
  3. look-through.

see-through 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme.
  2. We see detoxing as a path to transcendence, a symbol of modern urban virtue and self-transformation through abstinence.
  3. Harris is unlikely to see a challenge from Villaraigosa, either.
  4. We do see that a few European countries have them on the books: Germany, Poland, Italy, Ireland, a couple more.
  5. Several times, either because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly, and we could see them.
  6. And to tell the truth, she couldn't help wishing he could see, so he could make the game livelier.
  7. I waited three months more, in great impatience, then sent him back to the same post, to see if there might be a reply.
  8. Before Ripperda could unclasp his lips to reply, the stranger had opened the door, and passed through it like a gliding shadow.
  9. A constant sense of easy balance should be developed through poising exercises.
  10. You see, I'd always thought of him as the boy whom Great-aunt Lucia described having seen.