crystal-clear / ˈkrɪs tlˈklɪər /


crystal-clear 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. absolutely clear; transparent; lucid.

crystal-clear 近义词


等同于 limpid


等同于 perspicuous


等同于 transparent


等同于 see-through


  1. The story of fluoridation reads like a postmodern fable, and the moral is clear: a scientific discovery might seem like a boon.
  2. But the tide was turning on this issue, an email from another constituent made clear.
  3. The use of slurs from both characters makes it clear just how “new” the idea of an openly gay son is even in this time.
  4. Instead, straighten your civic backbone and push back in clear conscience.
  5. He made clear that he fully appreciated what the cops had done.
  6. It separates into three layers upon standing—a brown deposit, a clear fluid, and a frothy layer.
  7. However this be, it is hard to say that these fibs have that clear intention to deceive which constitutes a complete lie.
  8. Knowing by experience that he would soon be up to it, he used his pole with all his might, hoping to steer clear of it.
  9. I am pleading for a clear white light of education that shall go like the sun round the whole world.
  10. Is the Bible revelation so clear and explicit that no difference of opinion as to its meaning is possible?