stretchy / ˈstrɛtʃ i /


stretchy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

stretch·i·er, stretch·i·est.

  1. having a tendency to stretch, especially excessively or unduly.
  2. capable of being stretched; elastic.
  3. having a long body.

stretchy 近义词


等同于 lethargic


等同于 lissom


等同于 resilient


等同于 springy


等同于 supple


等同于 rubber


等同于 stuporous


等同于 suggestible


等同于 elastic


等同于 flexible


  1. Like other Duer jeans, the Fireside Denim is composed of a cotton, polyester, nylon, and elastane blend that makes it stretchy and a little less prone to soaking up water than a normal, 100 percent cotton alternative.
  2. They’re also soft, stretchy, and strike a nice balance between sporty and feminine.
  3. Other tools include simple loops and blankets made of stretchy Lycra, which are quiet and provide sensory stimulation as well as a means for simple fidgeting.
  4. To create such a charging pocket, he’d need a soft and stretchy piezoelectric material.
  5. Plus, stretchy fleece panels under the arms boost flexibility and breathability.
  6. Is Affleck condemned to a life without donning stretchy pants?
  7. Turns out it is Kinesio tape, a stretchy cotton tape designed by a Japanese chiropractor to support injured muscles.
  8. The stretchy, leathery ring keeps you hard while the eyelashes tickle the vadge.
  9. Not so for Dave and Trisha, who have been cohabitating in stretchy Spandex-covered bliss for two years and counting.
  10. Look at those arms of his and one knew why he was called Stretchy.
  11. He told himself that in the matter of Stretchy Gorman he would be as another Jawbert.
  12. They all—even the cat-thing—was wearing those shiny, stretchy clo'es.
  13. Haven't they very big stretchy mouths, for such small birdies?
  14. A tiny loop is left at each row in turning, as stockinet is a stretchy material.