stertorous / ˈstɜr tər əs /


stertorous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by stertor or heavy snoring.
  2. breathing in this manner.

stertorous 近义词


等同于 raucous


等同于 strident


等同于 breathless


等同于 hoarse


  1. A series of low, stertorous growls followed, growls that made my blood run cold!
  2. Mayo, when he heard their stertorous breathing close at hand, groped for them and shoved tools into their clutch.
  3. There was a dead silence for a few moments, broken only by the stertorous breathing of the man upon the couch.
  4. It, too, was empty, except for a figure breathing with drunken and stertorous stupor in a chair at one corner.
  5. Tom's breathing became stertorous, and that, in connection with morphia poisoning, means danger.