spareness 的 4 个定义
spared, spar·ing.
- to refrain from harming or destroying; leave uninjured; forbear to punish, hurt, or destroy: to spare one's enemy.
- to deal gently or leniently with; show consideration for: His harsh criticism spared no one.
- to save from strain, discomfort, embarrassment, or the like, or from a particular cause of it: to spare him the bother; to spare her needless embarrassment.
- (10)
spared, spar·ing.
- to use economy; be frugal.
- to refrain from inflicting injury or punishment; exercise lenience or mercy.
- Obsolete. to refrain from action; forbear.
spar·er, spar·est.
- kept in reserve, as for possible use: a spare part.
- being in excess of present need; free for other use: spare time.
- frugally restricted or meager, as a manner of living or a diet: a spare regime.
- (6)
- a spare thing, part, etc., as an extra tire for emergency use.
- Ceramics. an area at the top of a plaster mold for holding excess slip.
- Bowling. the knocking down of all the pins with two bowls.a score so made.Compare strike.
spareness 近义词
等同于 austerity
等同于 thinness
- spare the rod and spoil the child
- spare tire
- to spare
- RunCode is a nonprofit organization staffed by volunteers working in their spare time and focused on providing educational opportunities for coders and infosec folks.
- The dispute feeds into an existing debate over Section 230, a decades-old law that spares tech companies from being held liable for their content-moderation decisions.
- At the same time, anyone with spare computer space can rent it out for use by Filecoin’s storage clients in a process the project claims is totally secure for all involved.
- Most of Africa and Asia, on the contrary, still seems spared.
- There wasn’t much money to spare when she was young, and Boler Davis recalls trying to fix things around the house when she was 9 or 10 years old.
- The priest gave it, and the aide held it up, displaying a chill and vacant chamber, furnished with monastic spareness.
- It followed that they cultivated that naked plainness and spareness which makes their work supreme.
- Despite the spareness of his frame, he climbed the ascent with a rapidity that made him gasp.
- He was a tall man, but gave no impression of strength because of the exceeding spareness of his frame.
- People judged by his spareness: he wished he could get a little fatter.