shabbily / ˈʃæb i /


shabbily 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

shab·bi·er, shab·bi·est.

  1. impaired by wear, use, etc.; worn: shabby clothes.
  2. showing conspicuous signs of wear or neglect: The rooms on the upper floors of the mansion had a rather shabby appearance, as if they had not been much in use of late.
  3. wearing worn clothes or having a slovenly or unkempt appearance: a shabby person.
  4. run-down, seedy, or dilapidated: a shabby hotel.
  5. meanly ungenerous or unfair; contemptible, as persons, actions, etc.: shabby behavior.
  6. inferior; not up to par in quality, performance, etc.: a shabby rendition of the sonata.

shabbily 近义词


等同于 poorly


等同于 cheaply


  1. She thought it would be treating it too shabbily to throw it aside among the love-sick trash she was in the habit of receiving.
  2. On the street he met many individuals most shabbily clad, who offered him fifty louis in gold for twelve sous.
  3. He was a working man shabbily clothed, and wearing a dingy brown ulster and slouch hat.
  4. A little mean-looking man, shabbily dressed in something of the same costume, trotted humbly along on the off-side.
  5. Shabbily dressed men, with exaltation in their faces, and women of all ages and types, uniform only in their costumes.