residuum / rɪˈzɪdʒ u əm /


residuum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural re·sid·u·a [ri-zij-oo-uh]. /rɪˈzɪdʒ u ə/.

  1. the residue, remainder, or rest of something.
  2. Also residue. Chemistry. a quantity or body of matter remaining after evaporation, combustion, distillation, etc.
  3. any residual product.
  4. Law. the residue of an estate.

residuum 近义词


等同于 remainder


等同于 remnant


等同于 residue


等同于 sediment


等同于 consequences


等同于 aftermath


  1. In either case the blue colour of reddened litmus is permanently restored by the residuum.
  2. "In poculi fundo residuum non relinque, admonisheth Pythagoras," said he, returning the empty cup to the sexton.
  3. Custom and the folkways, like habit in the individual, may be regarded as a mere residuum of past practices.
  4. After agitation in water it loses this property, and the residuum is merely inflammable air, with no great diminution of its bulk.
  5. It burns with smoke and soot, and leaves a residuum of a coaly substance.