sequela / sɪˈkwɛl ə, -ˈkwi lə /


sequela 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural se·quel·ae [si-kwel-ee, -kwee-lee]. /sɪˈkwɛl i, -ˈkwi li/. Pathology.

  1. an abnormal condition resulting from a previous disease.

sequela 近义词


等同于 consequences


  1. As with many diseases, after the acute infection has passed, a constellation of symptoms known as sequelae can still linger.
  2. This curvature, unlike the lateral curvature, is a sequela of an actual disease of the bones.
  3. We know that granular ophthalmia with trichiasis as a sequela was very rife.
  4. Acute miliary tuberculosis of the lungs is more often met with as a sequela than as a complication.
  5. Phthisis is, however, a much less frequent sequela of typhus than of typhoid fever.
  6. Among those who recover, a common sequela, as before mentioned, is jaundice.