repairing / rɪˈpɛər /


repairing2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend: to repair a motor.
  2. to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc.: to repair one's health by resting.
  3. to remedy; make good; make up for: to repair damage; to repair a deficiency.
  4. to make amends for; compensate: to repair a wrong done.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act, process, or work of repairing: to order the repair of a building.
  2. Usually repairs. an instance or operation of repairing: to lay up a boat for repairs.a repaired part or an addition made in repairing: 17th-century repairs in brick are conspicuous in parts of the medieval stonework.
  3. repairs, the part of maintenance expense that has been paid out to keep fixed assets in usable condition, as distinguished from amounts used for renewal or replacement.

repairing 近义词

n. 名词 noun

restoration, fixing

v. 动词 verb

fix, restore

v. 动词 verb

leave; retire


  1. Nana, which runs a free academy to teach people how to fix appliances, and then gives students the option of becoming a part of its own marketplace to connect them to people needing repairs — has picked up $6 million.
  2. Advocates of the proposal argued that such information is essential for third-party businesses to continue providing maintenance and repair services.
  3. A lot of tools out of reparations can help us think about acknowledgement, repair, and then the kind of transformation that needs to happen to prevent future instances.
  4. I mean, before we had cars, we didn’t need car repair shops.
  5. Measure C sought to raise hotel taxes to fund a Convention Center expansion, homeless services and road repairs.
  6. Not repairing roads and bridges so much as spying on its citizens and collecting their data.
  7. But I know Cyrus is absolutely intent on somehow repairing this.
  8. When your business is owning, maintaining, and repairing the distribution channel, you have fewer options.
  9. There is some maintenance problem in your home that you have put off repairing for a while.
  10. Most people are now dying because their bodies wear out, one way or another and stop repairing themselves.
  11. The prizes were plate, and the profits were to be expended in repairing the havens of the kingdom.
  12. Work was not wanting also in repairing and roofing the buildings and the mill, abandoned since our return in 1607.
  13. He and his fair young wife had watched the building and repairing of the ships which were to sail away with him so soon.
  14. A dentist's bill for repairing one's teeth has been disputed, the law, though, generally favors the preservation of human teeth.
  15. Now and then I passed gangs of workmen making ditches and trenches, repairing railroad tracks and laying new ones.