retrieve / rɪˈtriv /


retrieve3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·trieved, re·triev·ing.

  1. to recover or regain: to retrieve the stray ball.
  2. to bring back to a former and better state; restore: to retrieve one's fortunes.
  3. to make amends for: to retrieve an error.
v. 无主动词 verb

re·trieved, re·triev·ing.

  1. Hunting. to retrieve game.
  2. to retrieve a fishing line.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act of retrieving; recovery.
  2. the possibility of recovery.

retrieve 近义词

v. 动词 verb

get back


  1. The cop reholsters his gun, and it seems to have ended with no further bloodshed as he moves to retrieve the knife.
  2. When gunshots burst out, she ran to retrieve her child from school and returned to her house just as a bomb hit next door.
  3. After weeks of training, the first mission set out to retrieve Kent Brantly, an American doctor.
  4. He put it down his shirt and asked her to retrieve it, saying she was “all talk” and “no play” when she refused.
  5. Rising to retrieve it, I offer her what meager reassurance I can muster.
  6. I could not stop to retrieve the question papers with a pair of tongs—as I might, had I not been hurried.
  7. From that moment he did everything that mortal man could do to retrieve his fatal mistake.
  8. This young king continued the war, but was unable to retrieve the ill-fortunes of his people.
  9. As Parr moved to retrieve these, his companions called out to halt him.
  10. Lady Evenswood, with a quick perception, tried to retrieve the observation.