refitting / riˈfɪt /


refitting3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·fit·ted, re·fit·ting.

  1. to fit, prepare, or equip again.
v. 无主动词 verb

re·fit·ted, re·fit·ting.

  1. to renew supplies or equipment.
  2. to get refitted.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act of refitting.

refitting 近义词


等同于 modification


等同于 remodeling


等同于 adaptation


等同于 mend


等同于 refurbish


等同于 renew


等同于 renovate


等同于 re-create


等同于 recondition


  1. I also started to value air con systems and technical quality of refit far more highly than I ever thought possible.
  2. The choppers, which had been sold to Syria by Russia in the early 1990s, had been undergoing a refit in Russia.
  3. Whether you're looking to start from scratch or refit an old reliable, these women will prod you into a truly impressive outfit.
  4. A storm dispersed both fleets and D'Estaing, after collecting his ships, sailed off to Boston to refit.
  5. Two raking broadsides that crashed into the stern of the "Levant" sent that craft out of the action, to refit.
  6. They were a Division coming out of the Somme battle to rest and refit.
  7. A very few days were sufficient to refit the Rover, and to store and provision her ready for sea.
  8. At length, however, the men again began to refit the ship, and prepare for resuming the blockade of Cadiz.