quadruped / ˈkwɒd rʊˌpɛd /


quadruped2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
n. 名词 noun
  1. an animal, especially a mammal, having four feet.

quadruped 近义词


等同于 beast


等同于 creature


  1. There could not, indeed, be stronger evidence that man has descended from a quadruped ancestor.
  2. But these species have returned to the quadruped habit, to which the equal length of their limbs adapts them.
  3. Variations of this form of punishment are seen in the furca and in the "making a quadruped out of a man."
  4. And the wretched lunatic went behind the screen and wheeled out a small wooden quadruped covered with large round spots!
  5. The four-handed animals fill up the great chasm between the quadruped and the human species.