puniness / ˈpyu ni /


puniness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

pu·ni·er, pu·ni·est.

  1. of less than normal size and strength; weak.
  2. unimportant; insignificant; petty or minor: a puny excuse.
  3. Obsolete. puisne.

puniness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. He makes his fellow NBA players, some of the biggest and strongest men in the world, look puny.
  2. Without protection, puny electronic components in a robot don’t have a chance.
  3. It’s not because these puny males risk their lives for love.
  4. This is why the visual-language data sets that exist are so puny.
  5. Prior to that data protection rules existed in the region but could be easily ignored, given puny penalties.
  6. In the end, Shumlin led by a puny 2,434 votes, less than the 50 percent margin needed for victory under Vermont law.
  7. Complete and utter accident of fate, the puny matter of his voter enrollment.
  8. The dark blue showing its liberal corollary is comparatively puny.
  9. But his standing in opinion polls is puny, and he has been targeted by Sarah Palin.
  10. Mighty NATO rains down bombs and bullets on Gaddafi's puny forces, but can't score a knockout.
  11. Mrs. Jordan, a British matron of solid proportions, passed down the path on the arm of a comparatively puny cavalier.
  12. Joey was puny and hairless as ever, but in Rose's face as she looked at him there was a flush of maternal tenderness and gravity.
  13. It can set him up with a semblance of bodily strength, when otherwise he would be puny and fragile.
  14. No longer did his heavy battle axe seem to weigh on his puny arm.
  15. Rick turned in time to see the side of El Viejo blow off in an explosion that made ten kilotons of fission seem puny indeed.