posthaste / ˈpoʊstˈheɪst /


posthaste2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. with the greatest possible speed or promptness: to come to a friend's aid posthaste.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Archaic. great haste.

posthaste 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. In this, the smart Republican response is self-evident: Get behind a comprehensive reform bill posthaste.
  2. By the hand of my groom, Robert Wilmay, who hath it in charge to ride posthaste.
  3. Stroble thereupon sent posthaste to his supporters for more cash, and efforts were made to get the stubborn Senate to reconsider.
  4. Had he but known the agony of spirit his daughter was experiencing he would have returned posthaste to Philadelphia.
  5. The Rangers had brought in word that Lvis was coming posthaste to Montcalm's aid.
  6. These words from his physician, and the spectacle of my friend, now reduced almost to a skeleton, sent me posthaste to Serampore.