pronto / ˈprɒn toʊ /


pronto 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb


  1. promptly; quickly.

pronto 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


pronto 的近义词 5


  1. Step away politely, apologise profusely, and find a taxi, pronto.
  2. They yapped and pulled at their leads with such energy that Winkelmann insisted we climb back into the sled, pronto.
  3. Help us understand them, those Iraqis and Afghans, better ... and pronto.
  4. I wrote two books about Raylan before the series [Riding the Rap and Pronto].
  5. And later, when the giant tries to climb after Jack, the beanstalk has to be chopped down pronto.
  6. Just as the q-b was working up to the rage I had at last calmed down from, appeared the shawl-swathed girl announcing "Pronto!"
  7. “Al suo comodo è pronto,” she said, referring to the dinner, and hurried away again to dish up the veal cutlets.
  8. "Give you nothin', except a dose of lead, if you don't git out pronto," snarled the man.
  9. He certainly did assimilate my advice and drag it out of town muy pronto.
  10. Understand, if you ketch anybody cantelopin' around a-foot, you just ride 'em off the range pronto.