plugging / plʌg /


plugging4 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge.
  2. a core or interior segment taken from a larger matrix.
  3. Electricity. a device to which may be attached the conductors of a cord and which by insertion in a jack, or screwing into a receptacle, establishes contact.
v. 有主动词 verb

plugged, plug·ging.

  1. to stop or fill with or as if with a plug: to plug up a leak; plug a gap.
  2. to insert or drive a plug into.
  3. to secure with or as if with a plug.
v. 无主动词 verb

plugged, plug·ging.

  1. to work with stubborn persistence: You're doing a fine job—just keep plugging. Some writers will plug away at the same novel for several years.
  2. Informal. to publicize insistently: Whenever he gets the chance, he's plugging for his company.
  3. Slang. to shoot or fire shots.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. plug in, to connect to an electrical power source: Plug the TV set in over add or include; incorporate: They still have to plug in more research data.
  2. plug into, to connect or become connected by or as if by means of a plug: The device will plug into any convenient wall outlet. The proposed new departments would eventually plug into the overall organizational feel an affinity for; like; understand: Some kids just don't plug into sports in school.
  3. plug up, to become plugged: The drain in the sink plugs up every so often.

plugging 近义词

v. 动词 verb


v. 动词 verb

stop up


  • plug away at
  • plugged in, be
  • peg (plug) away at
  • pull the plug on


  1. On Tuesday, just two days before the planned listing, regulators in Shanghai pulled the plug, at least temporarily.
  2. After receiving the notice, Ant Group, reading the writing on the wall, pulled the plug on its Hong Kong listing.
  3. With an 800-volt fast charger, it can pull enough current for 100 miles of driving after just 10 minutes on the plug.
  4. South Africa is now putting the electrical plugs and sockets the nation has relied on for generations on the road to retirement.
  5. You’d be out a nice chunk of change had you pulled the plug back then.
  6. Hundreds of millions of people were accustomed to toting these objects around, plugging them in to recharge them, and using them.
  7. When the revolution comes, Suze Orman will likely be plugging away on CNBC, giving the same old financial advice.
  8. While Washington dithers over Benghazi, AP-gate, and the IRS, advocates for immigrants just keep plugging along.
  9. That means plugging the holes in our immigration and visa system.
  10. The truth, which is that the Republic will probably keep plugging along no matter who is in office, does not.
  11. As the old Turks kept plugging it in fairly hot, I sat quiet in Birdwood's dugout for a quarter of an hour.
  12. He was plugging the hole himself with a mixture of butter and cow dung which he was poking in with a stick!
  13. Now and then I'd come across a little pop-gun pistol, just about right for plugging teeth with, which I'd throw out the window.
  14. While he was speaking my companion busied himself in carefully plugging up the hole in the rock.
  15. It is time for another senator, and who do you suppose is plugging for it, and opening hogsheads of money?