peonage / ˈpi ə nɪdʒ /


peonage 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the condition or service of a peon.
  2. the practice of holding persons in servitude or partial slavery, as to work off a debt or to serve a penal sentence.

peonage 近义词


等同于 servitude


等同于 slavery


等同于 yoke


等同于 bondage


等同于 serfdom


等同于 servileness


等同于 servility


等同于 thralldom


等同于 villeinage


  1. David Ruffin, the disgruntled lead singer of The Temptations, complained that the company kept him in “economic peonage.”
  2. I, with a train load of other strikers, went to Louisiana and the whole bunch of us were practically forced into peonage.
  3. The profit to England from Irish peonage cannot be assessed in terms of trade, or finance, or taxation.
  4. Had this bill not been bitterly opposed, the Irish people would have been subject to peonage equal to absolute slavery.
  5. Joseph Biggar had the floor and declared the bill was really a move to steal Irish children and sell them into perpetual peonage.
  6. Many of these acts betokened an intention on the part of the lawmakers to reduce the freedmen to a state of serfdom or peonage.